Facial Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Face Lift


Facial Peels

Also known as chemical peels, this is non invasive technique used in the treatment of sun damaged or aging skin.  Facial peels can eliminate dryness and fine facial lines, reduce the appearance of acne scars, or remove precancerous skin lesions. There are other more invasive techniques that can be used including laser skin resurfacing, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. These treatments work primarily on the epidermis, or outer layer of skin.  While facial peels do not give permanent results, they can improve the appearance of skin and treat facial blemishes and areas of dark skin pigmentation (age spots).

There are three chemicals which can be used in the facial peel procedure.  The mildest is alpha hydroxyl acid.  This treatment requires no anesthetic and can be performed in a doctors office.  There is no recovery period, you can resume daily activities immediately.

TCA is gives a deeper peel. As with alpha hydroxyl acid, this treatment will eliminate or reduce the appearance of fine lines, uneven pigmentation and surface blemishes.  The results are temporary.  Your surgeon may recommend additional peels for maximum results.  This is a medium depth peel and there may be some temporary reddening of the skin following the treatment.

The deepest facial peel uses phenol.  It is most often recommended for people with coarse facial wrinkles , sun damage or precancerous skin lesions.  This procedure should only be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon.  People with darker skin pigmentation may not be candidates for this type of peel, because it presents the risk of permanent discoloration (lightening) of the skin.

Financial Considerations

Facial peels are considerably less expensive than many alternative treatments.  They can be performed in the doctor's office, eliminating the cost of a surgical suite, and they don't require anesthetic.  The cost of these procedures varies by geographical location and by the experience and reputation of the doctor performing the procedure.  On average, the cost is under one thousand dollars.  This is the cost per procedure, so if you will require multiple procedures, you should discuss the total cost with your doctor.  Unless a facial peel is used to treat a medical condition, like precancerous lesions, it will not be covered by most medical insurance plans.

The Procedure

Your doctor may require that you prepare for the procedure by discontinuing the use of certain medications and using a prescribed lotion to condition the skin for the procedure. 

The doctor will apply the chosen chemical solution over the area to be treated with a cotton pad or disposable sponge.  In small areas he may use a cotton swab or brush.  When the chemical is applied to your skin your surgeon will observe your skin for changes. Through his observations he will determine when it is time to remove the solution with a neutralizing agent.

An alpha hydroxyl peel should take about ten minutes.  There is no after care necessary following this type of peel.

If you are undergoing a phenol or TCA peel, you may experience a stinging sensation from the solution.  A TCA peel usually takes about fifteen minutes.  This type of peel may need to be repeated one or more times.  Treatments will be scheduled over several months.  After the solution is neutralized, the skin is coated with petroleum jelly or another waterproofing agent.

A phenol peel can take  one and two hours. Some after care is required and there is a period of recovery.  Your doctor can advise you regarding after care and the length of your recovery.  You will not be able to return to your normal daily activities for about a week.





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