Facial Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Face Lift


Cosmetic Cheek Augmentation

People who are not pleased with their physical appearance will seek to change it.  Cheek augmentation surgery is  popular  for improving the facial appearance.  Augmenting the cheeks can give more definition to facial features and give them greater balance.

In this surgery implants are inserted to give greater definition to the cheek bones and create balance with the other facial features.

This is a brief description of the surgical procedure  It cannot take the place of a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon.  Cheek augmentation is used for reconstructive purposes following a facial injury as well as for purely cosmetic purposes.  Whenever you are considering a cosmetic procedure you should seek the advice of a board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon.

Candidates For Cheek Augmentation

Candidates for any  elective surgery should be in good physical health before undertaking the procedure.  If you have any dental problems or conditions, you should make sure your surgeon is aware of them.  Although dental problems don't preclude the surgery, they are a factor in determining the best treatment.  Oral infections should be treated before undergoing this surgery.

Discuss your expectations with your surgeon.  While cheek augmentation may improve your appearance significantly,  you should not have unrealistic expectations.  Some plastic surgeons may have computer software that can generate a realistic picture of you with cheek implants. Cheek augmentation may be performed as a single procedure, or can be combined with other procedures.  The procedure will  give the face greater definition and balance.

Risks And Complications

The greatest risks involved in any surgery are adverse reaction to anesthetic and infection.  While relatively rare, these complications can pose a significant health risk.  Your surgeon will take all reasonable precautions to minimize the risks.

Always advise your doctor of any previous adverse reaction to anesthetics or opiates.  Antibiotics can be used to control infections, should they occur. Advise your surgeon of any adverse reactions to antibiotics you may have experienced. Your surgeon should be aware of them before the surgery.

Following surgery there will be temporary bruising and swelling of the area.  You may experience some post operative pain.  This is temporary and can be controlled with oral analgesics.

Rarely, patients may have a reaction to the implants themselves.  Your doctor will discuss the different types of implants and any risks associated with them before surgery.

Financial Considerations

Most cosmetic surgery is not covered by medical insurance.  In addition to your surgeon's fee, there will be expenses for the surgical facility or hospital where the procedure is performed.  Anesthesia is billed separately and can be a significant expense.  The expense of the implants are not included in the surgeon's fee.  Diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, may not be covered by your insurance policy if they are related to the surgery.  There will also be the cost of prescription medications following the surgery.

If a cosmetic procedure is performed following a facial injury, or to correct a congenital defect, insurance may cover the surgery.  You should discuss the surgical expenses with your doctor.

The Surgery

Cheek augmentation may be performed with a local or general anesthetic.  You and your surgeon will decide which is best in your case.  The procedure may be done in a hospital, surgical center, or in a surgical suite at your doctor's office.

In the majority of cases, cheek augmentation is performed as an out patient surgery,  Following the surgery, you will be observed for a time and then released. The surgery itself takes about sixty minutes if it is performed as a single procedure.  If your doctor is performing more than one procedure, the duration will be longer, and depending on the other procedures involved, my require an overnight stay in a hospital.

Incisions for cheek implants are typically made either inside the mouth on the upper lip, or inside the lower eyelid in the conjunctive tissue to avoid any visible scar.  A pocket for the implant is created through the incision, the implant is inserted and the incision is closed.








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