Facial Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Face Lift


Common Sense And Cosmetic Surgery

As with all surgery, cosmetic facial surgery has risks.  In order to reduce the risks patients must exercise common sense and be informed consumers.  In most cases only board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons are the only physicians who should perform facial cosmetic surgery.  The only exception is for facial peels, dermabrassion, microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing which can be performed by a board certified dermatological surgeon.

Not all board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons specialize in facial surgery.  It is incumbent upon the patient to determine the surgeons experience in facial surgery.  Serious complications can arise from facial surgery and are far less likely to occur when the surgery is performed by a doctor with experience in the particular procedure.

General cosmetic surgeons may not necessarily have experience in facial surgery.  Many cosmetic surgeons work on other areas of the body and may specialize in breast augmentation or liposuction.  The surgeon may not be experienced in the intricate and delicate techniques required in facial surgery.

When consulting with a cosmetic surgeon for the first time, ask about his experience with the procedure you are contemplating.  You can also ask about his board certification.  It is possible to check his credentials with the American Academy of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeons.  If you have friends, family or acquaintances who have had the procedure, ask them about their surgeon.  They may be able to recommend a qualified doctor.

Other Considerations

You should discuss your expectations with the surgeon.  Your surgeon can give you a realistic outlook on the outcome of your surgery.  Be certain to discuss post operative care.  In most cases, the post operative care is largely the responsibility of the patient.  Be certain that you will be able and willing to follow the surgeon's instructions.

Discuss the recovery period.  Will you be able to take enough time off from work? Discuss the cost of the surgery and options for payment.  Remember to ask about costs for the surgical facility, anesthesia and any other related expenses.

Risks Versus Benefits

All surgery has risks.  The most common risks are adverse reaction to anesthetic and post operative infection.  Risks specific to cosmetic facial surgery include hematoma, or bleeding under the skin which may require additional surgery.  Excessive bleeding can occur. The more invasive surgeries like full face lift  have the risk of temporary or permanent paralysis of facial muscles and nerve damage.  Laser resurfacing and deep chemical facial peel carry a risk for scarring.

Expected side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, temporary numbness around incision sites and some crusting on incisions.  There may also be some temporary nerve impairment.

Minimizing Risks and Maximizing Benefits

In some states, specialist are not required to be be board certified.  Doctors who choose to become board certified undergo more training in their specific field.  Regardless of the laws of your state, always choose a board certified cosmetic facial surgeon or a board certified dermatological surgeon for cosmetic facial surgery.  Using a board certified cosmetic facial surgeon can minimize your risks during and following surgery.  It will also give you the best possible results from your surgery.

Results from certain cosmetic procedures are often not immediately visible due to swelling, bruising and healing incisions.  In some cases, full benefits may take three to six months to become apparent.  Recovery following surgery can be as little as one day to as much as two to three weeks, depending on the procedure.

Some procedures have temporary results and may have to be repeated.  This is true of light to medium facial peels.  Some patients may opt to have several treatments or surgeries over time in order to minimize recovery time.  Other patients may chose to have several procedures performed at once.  These options should be discussed with your surgeon, especially for patients contemplating multiple procedures.





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