Facial Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Face Lift


Anti-Aging Eyelid Surgery

The delicate skin around the eyelids often shows the effects of aging earlier that other areas of the face.  Surgery to decrease the signs of aging around the eyes is called blepharoplasty.  This type of surgery can correct droopy eyelids and remove puffiness or bags under the eyes.  The surgery will gives eyes a more youthful and open appearance.

Typical Candidates

As greater numbers of people live longer, surgery to reduce the signs of aging has increased dramatically.  Blepharoplasty is one of the top three cosmetic procedures performed.  This procedure is popular with male and female patients, although women are three time more likely to have the surgery.  In men choosing anti-aging cosmetic procedures, blepharoplasty is still one of the top three cosmetic surgeries.

Most patients who have blepharoplasty are over the age of fifty five, although 39.5% are between thirty five and fifty five years of age.

Candidates for blepharoplasty, as with all cosmetic surgery, should be in good physical health.  It is important the patients have a realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery.  Many cosmetic surgeons have computer software which can produce an image of the improvement that is expected.  This surgery only improves the appearance of the eyes and will not have any effect on other areas of aging.

Barriers to Blepharoplasty

Patients with certain health or medical conditions should not undergo blepharoplasty due to the increased risk for serious complications.  These health conditions include hyperthyrodism, Graves disease, hypertension, glaucoma and eye disease, diabetes, detached retina and heart disease.

During your initial consultation your surgeon will ask about any chronic health conditions you have.  Always advise your surgeon of any health issues including allergies to medications and anesthetics.  All patients considering cosmetic surgery should discuss it with their primary care physician and any specialists they see on a regular basis.  Your primary care doctors can discuss any concerns with your surgeon.

Risks and complications

All surgery has risks.  The most common surgical risks involve adverse reaction to anesthetic and post surgical infection.

Blepharoplasty should only be performed by a board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon.  Risks and complications are minimal, but should be discussed with your doctor before the procedure.  It is vital to follow both pre-operative and post-operative instructions from your doctor to minimize your risks.

Your doctor will tell you what to expect during your recovery following surgery.  Any unusual symptoms, you should be reported to your surgeon immediately.

Risks specific to blepharoplasty include temporary blurring of vision, which should subside within a few days, swelling and bruising of the area around the eyes, scarring and acne.  More serious complications may include impairment of eye lid function (usually temporary).  Another extremely rare complication is ectropion that results in a pulling downward of the lower eyelids.  Ectropion may require addition corrective surgery.

Any patient with post operative concerns should contact their doctor as soon as possible rather than waiting for their post surgical appointment.

The Surgery

The incision for blepharoplasty is in the crease of the upper eyelid and may be extended to the outer corner of the eye to repair crow's feet.  The incision on the lower lid is made just under the eyelashes.  If only the lower lid is being incised, the incision may be made inside the eyelid.  This is called a tranconjunctival  blepharoplasty.  This type of incision is used to remove fatty deposits under the eye, but cannot be used to remove excess skin.

The surgery usually last for one to three hours, but can last longer if the patient is having multiple facial surgeries.  A local or general anesthesia can be use.  If bleppharoplasty is the only surgery being performed, it can be done as outpatient surgery.  If multiple facial procedures are being performed, the patient may have to hospitalized overnight.







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