Facial Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Face Lift


Cosmetic Facial Surgery

There are many types of cosmetic facial procedures and they are performed for a variety of reasons.  Some procedures may be performed for purely aesthetic results, others may be performed to improve function of the facial structures, including the nasal structure, the eyes and the jaw.  Many facial procedures reduce signs of aging, giving patients a more youthful appearance.  This is intended as an introduction to some of the most commonly performed cosmetic facial procedures.


Is a technique using fine crystals to remove the top layers of skin.  The procedure is non invasive and is effective in treating fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and acne scars.


Dermabrasion goes deeper into the layers of skin than microdermabrasion.  It is used to treat moderate facial wrinkles, acne scars and sun damage.  Both dermabrasion and micordermabrasion as used as anti aging procedures.

Chemical Facial Peels

Chemical facial peels use acid to remove the outer layer of skin.  The depth of the treatment depends on the desired results and the type of acid used.  Gylcolic acid peels are mild and can be performed by the patient at home.  Phenol facial peels should only be performed by a board certified cosmetic facial surgeon or a board certified dermatological surgeon.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

A specially designed laser is used to remove the top layers of skin.  The procedure is effective in treating acne scars, fine to moderate facial lines or wrinkles and can be used to remove pre-cancerous skin lesions. Only board certified cosmetic or dermatological surgeons are qualified to perform this procedure.

Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty

These surgical procedures can be used to improve nasal function.  Rhinoplasty can also be used to change the size or shape of the nose.  The surgery can be performed on an out patient basis and can be done with a local or general anesthetic.


Blepharoplasty  is surgery of the eyelids.  It can be used as an anti aging technique or for aesthetic reshaping of the eye.  In some cases blepharoplasty can be used to improve function where drooping eyelids interfere with vision.  If performed alone, this procedure can be done as an outpatient procedure.

Face Lift

Face lifts are surgeries which are used to make patients appear younger by removing excess skin and fatty deposits.  It reduces the appearance of facial creases and wrinkles.  Face lifts can be performed using endoscopy or traditional surgical techniques.


Genioplasy is augmentation of the chin with an implant.  This surgery is usually performed as a purely aesthetic procedure, but can be used to reconstruct facial structure following an injury or disease.

Cheek  Augmentation

Cheek augmentation involves placing implants in the cheeks to produce a more defined and balanced appearance in the face.  Its use in surgery can be reconstructive or aesthetic.

Cosmetic Injections

Injections of collagen, hyaluronic acid and Botox are used to decrease the appearance of facial line and wrinkles.  Collagen may also be injected into the lips to give them a fuller appearance.  The improvement created by the injections is temporary and the injections have to be repeated periodically to maintain the benefits.

If you are considering cosmetic facial surgery, you should consult a board certified cosmetic facial surgeon.  Your surgeon can advise you on the best procedures to give you your desired results.  Additional  information about cosmetic facial surgery can be found by clicking on the  included links.





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